DN Automotive


DN AUTOMOTIVE is promoting transparent management to cultivate both sound corporate culture and mutual growth.

Social Contribution

DN AUTOMOTIVE is playing our part to make the better world by enhancing our activities pertaining to corporate social responsibilities.

Supporting Social Venture (EQ4ALL)

Hearing-impaired people with low level of literacy may need better access to sign languages.
Avatar sign language services are available in various areas already.
And development of a translation tool to a sign language is one of the ongoing projects.

DN AUTOMOTIVE is creating social values by supporting a social venture EQ4ALL,
the best local avatar sign language developer, in order to improve accessibility for the hearing-impaired.
Now the tool is being upgraded to translate into sign languages as independent languages.
And the tool is applicable in many areas already.

Understanding hearing-impaired people and sign languages

  • Global population with hearing impairment
    (Number in Korea)

    WHO, 2021
    460 million (410,000)
  • Countries recognizing
    sign languages as
    official languages

    World Federation of Deaf, 2022
    71 countries
  • Ratio of the hearing-impaired
    using a sign language
    as a first language

    Survey by Ministry of Culture,
    Sports and Tourism, 2020
  • Ratio of the hearing-impaired
    using a sign language
    with low literacy skills

    Survey by Ministry of Culture,
    Sports and Tourism, 2020

Comparison of literacy skills between the people who are hearing-impaired and not

Assessing Health Literacy in Deaf American Sign
Language Users, 2015

Solution Overview

  • Avatar Sign Language Skills

    Obtained a hybrid translation engine of a rule-based machine translation and an artificial neural network machine translation Built a large scale learning data of artificial intelligence for the avatar sign language translation R&D ongoing through an international joint research regarding translation technologies
  • Barrier Free Kiosk

    Participated in development of a Kiosk for easier use for people with physical disabilities and hearing impairment Barrier Free Kiosk developed with EQ4ALL designated as a Korean standard by Telecommunications Technology Association in 2021 Sign language service furnished to various unmanned machines (kiosk and robots)
  • Sign Language Education for
    Families with Hearing Impairment

    90% of children with hearing impairment is born in families with no hearing impairment An application developed and being operated allowing the families to learn a sign language on TV and have fun together Connected with artificial intelligence technologies and Android TV flat form of Google Solved the problem of isolating children with hearing impairment when a sign language is not learned by the whole family Presented a paper and won an award at the International Broadcasting Convention in 2022